在贝米吉州立大学, we are committed to creating a campus environment that is inclusive, respectful and free from 歧视 for all our students, 教职员工. 的 学生投诉流程 outlined below is designed to ensure all concerns and complaints of members of our student body are handled in a prompt and fair manner.
我们理解歧视事件, harassment and injustice can have a significant impact on the individuals involved, 以及更广泛的社区. We take all reports of 歧视 seriously and strive to provide a safe and supportive environment for those who come forward with their experiences. 我们是来帮助解决这些问题的.
Please use the procedures outlined below to bring your concerns to our attention.
您可以查看管理的策略 学生投诉流程. 的 Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs is available to advise and support students through the 学生投诉流程.
We encour年龄 all members of our community to speak up if they witness or experience 歧视, and we will work to address these issues promptly and effectively.
确保一个安全和包容的社区, we offer various reporting forms for incidents of misconduct, 歧视, 暴力和痛苦. 请在下面选择合适的表格.
If you witness or experience any violations of university conduct policy, 包括学术欺诈, 盗窃, 欺凌或歧视, 使用此表格 报告事件.
如果你经历过性暴力, 包括性侵犯, 非强迫性行为, 约会或关系暴力, 跟踪, 性骚扰或性剥削, 以下是你可以采取的步骤:
- In an emergency, contact 911 or Public 安全 (218) 755-3888.
- 报告非紧急性暴力事件, contact the Investigation Office for Civil Rights by phone (218) 755-4121 or 电子邮件(titleix@azarnewsonline.com)或参观 报告性暴力事件.
Equal Opportunity and Non歧视 Complaint Form
我们相信,多样性是一种优势, and we are committed to fostering an inclusive community where all members are valued and respected.
If you have experienced retaliation or 歧视 or harassment based on your sex, 比赛, 年龄, 残疾, color, 信条, 国家的起源, 宗教, 性取向, 性别认同, 性别表达, marital status or status with regard to public assistance, 你有权提出申诉.
Complaints about acts of 歧视 or harassment should be directed to the Investigation Office for Civil Rights by phone (218) 755-4121, 电子邮件(titleix@azarnewsonline.com)或 提交此表格.
A meeting will be scheduled with the 第九条 Officer to discuss the situation and next steps. 看到 民权中心:调查 了解更多信息.
BSU/NTC Confidential Report Form for Sexual Misconduct, Dating/Relationship Violence, Stalking
此表格供学生使用, 员工, 教师, 供应商, visitors or other concerned parties of both BSU and NTC to 非正式或匿名举报 specific information related to incident(s) of sexual misconduct, 约会/关系暴力和/或跟踪.
通过提交这张表格,你将帮助我们建立联系 困难学生 with valuable information about relevant student support resources and timely assistance.
的se steps outline the complaint processes involving courses, instructors and grades.
- 把你的抱怨直接告诉你的导师.
- If you are not satisfied with the resolution offered by your instructor or are uncomfortable addressing the complaint with your instructor 联系相应的主席 学术项目.
- If you are not satisfied with the resolution offered by the program chair or the complaint involves the program chair please 填写一张 学生投诉表格 and your complaint will be directed to the appropriate college dean.
- If you are not satisfied and wish to continue the appeal process contact the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
- If you are not satisfied and wish to continue the appeal process contact the 总统办公室.
At any point in this process you can file an official complaint by filling out a 学生投诉表格. 然后,相应的办公室会与您联系.
- Discuss your grade with the course instructor early in the following semester.
- If you are not satisfied with the resolution offered by your instructor, are unable to contact the instructor by email or phone or are uncomfortable addressing the grade appeal with your instructor, 联系相应的主席 学术项目.
- If you are not satisfied with the resolution offered by the program chair, you may file a written grade challenge before the end of the following semester. Submit a detailed statement of the reasons for the challenge and any supporting documentation to the 大学注册. A Grade Challenge Review Board will make a recommendation to the provost on your challenge normally within two weeks after receipt of the challenge. 的 provost’s decision is final and binding on all parties.
Other Complaints 新葡京博彩官网 贝米吉州立大学 Employees or Offices
Note: 的se steps outline a process for filing complaints that do not involve courses, 指导员或歧视或骚扰行为.
- Take your complaint directly to the employee/office involved.
- If you are not satisfied with the resolution offered by the employee/office involved or are uncomfortable addressing the complaint with them contact the employee’s immediate supervisor or office supervisor.
- If you are not satisfied with the resolution offered by the employee’s immediate supervisor or office supervisor, 填写一张 学生投诉表格 and your complaint will be directed to the appropriate university vice president.
- If you are not satisfied and wish to continue the appeal process, contact the 总统办公室.
At any point in this process you can file an official complaint by filling out a 学生投诉表格. 然后,相应的办公室会与您联系.
At any point in this process, you can file an official complaint by filling out a 学生投诉表格. 然后,相应的办公室会与您联系.
- If the behavior is criminal in nature or is an immediate threat, 请拨打911或BSU公共安全(218)755-3888.
- For student behavior that is not an emergency, please 填写一张 学生投诉表格 and contact the Vice President of 学生生活 and Success at (218) 755-2075.
- If you are not satisfied and wish to continue the appeal process, contact the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
- If you are not satisfied and wish to continue the appeal process contact the 总统办公室.